
Family ministry is one of the greatest opportunities our church has to teach and mentor children, develop leaders, and equip parents to train up and disciple the next generation. We are intentional in our efforts to invest in families and strive to faithfully disciple children and youth towards a lifelong faith in Jesus Christ.

  • We currently offer weekly Sunday School classes for Preschool (3+) through Junior High ages.

    Families participate together in the music worship time at the beginning of the service, then children and youth are dismissed to attend their Sunday School class.

  • Each class participates in age-appropriate bible-based lessons utilizing the DigIn curriculum developed by Group Publishing.

  • Our Sunday School Teachers and Assistants are volunteers who have a passion for investing in our children and youth's spiritual growth. They are active members of our church who demonstrate proficient bible knowledge and engaging teaching abilities. 

    All volunteers are required to have an updated Police Information check on file.

  • We have a Nursery space that is available for families with children under the age of three.  Currently our nursery is self-staffed, but we do have a Nursery Coordinator who ensures that the space is clean and ready to be used by families.

    The service is video streamed to the Nursery so that parents are still able to participate.

    As the needs for Nursery care change, we will be looking to involve volunteers who can provide care for our little ones.