We would love to meet you!
Whether you're a lifelong church-goer or this is your first time in a church, you will find a warm welcome at Laurier Heights Baptist Church.
We are a family-like church. We are committed to growing spiritually and making a difference for Jesus in our world.
Our services are positive, upbeat and usually last about 75 minutes. You will experience friendly people talking, laughing...your kids being welcomed by caring leaders in the children's ministry...not having to worry about being singled out as a guest or being pressured to give money... wearing normal clothes you'd wear to a friends house and messages from the Bible that are applied to everyday life.
We endeavour to honour God by bringing Him our best in worship. Our worship music is varied, as are the tastes and “musical languages” of our diverse congregation. Musical leadership of worship ranges from something as intimate as a single voice with piano, to a pop/rock style band, and occasionally to a small orchestra! Our aim is to celebrate the nature of God, singing praises for His work in our lives and in the world around us.
After the service, stick around and enjoy a cup of coffee with us. We would appreciate meeting you.
We want every person who visits Laurier to leave encouraged and taking next steps on their spiritual journey.
Our hope is that you will feel welcomed into this community. We would love for you to start worshipping with us, join a small group or find a place to serve along side others.
Visit us this weekend and experience Laurier for yourself.
Communion Sundays
On the first Sunday of every month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper—Communion. This is a time of remembrance and reflection as we follow Jesus’ command to his followers: “Do this in remembrance of me.”
If you are unsure of whether or not you should participate, we invite you to simply remain in your place, and observe. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to one of the Pastors after the service. They will be more than happy to talk with you!